
Members have access to the club's facilities when open and the right to participate in racing, open regattas and social events running throughout the year. Even though boats and windsurfers in the club are privately owned, sailing opportunities are frequently given to everyone wishing to crew. Subject to a €20 deposit, boat and windsurfer owners have the right to apply for a key and gain access to the water, toilets and showers at any time. Members that have completed their basic training and wish to practice their skills may use our non-profit sailing centre's training boats at low rental fees. Finally, the club can help members find boats for purchase that are suitable to the individual member's requirements and skills.

Begafigo has no paid staff and is run entirely by its members. Membership expresses a willingness to become involved in club activities and to contribute time and expertise in helping our club function. Members' contributions vary from helping to run races, to assisting with the training school, crewing on a RIB, hosting visitors at open meetings or helping to improve club facilities by participating in working parties. Boat owners are expected to participate in the Roster and run a race or volunteer-work duty at least 3 times a year. Race duties consist of Officer of the Day (OOD), Assistant (AOOD), and safety boat helm and crew, for which the club provides the necessary training. Members are also expected to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to elect the committee and decide on important matters referring to the club’s present and future.

Registration and Annual Fees
Annual fees are paid to the club's treasurer at the Annual General Meeting or by standing order to the club's bank account by May:
Bank of Cyprus 0113-01-056887 / Makariou Avenue Branch
IBAN: CY20002001130000000105688700
When making payment by standing order please notify the committee accordingly. Upon a member's failure to pay two annual membership fees, the member must rejoin the club and make new a payment of the registration fee. The Committee has the right not to accept renewal of membership.
*Registration Fee: €30 (paid once)
*Re-registration Fee: €30 (when membership is unpaid for more than two years)
*Annual Individual Membership: €80
*Annual Family Membership: €120
*Annual Boat Parking: €60 (€30 Optimist)
*Annual Windsurfing Parking: €50
*Annual Catamaran Parking: €80
*Annual SUP board Parking: €50


Steps to registration
1. Membership with Begafigo is gained by accepting the commitments & acknowledgements on the Membership Application.
2. Read carefully, complete and sign the document as proof of acceptance.
3. Deliver the Registration Form by hand to one of the committee members at the club.
4. Pay the annual fee upon delivery of the Registration Form or by transfer to the club’s bank account detailed above.

''Begafigo'' is a duly registered Club in accordance with The Societies and Institution Law, N. 57/1972, as amended, with Registration No.2677, & KOA Registration No. 615

© 2021 Famagusta District Sailing Club Begafigo. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanicals, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Begafigo sailing club.